Text: Part 5 Summary

I. Pool Strategies I.I

Pool Hopping Miners can maximize profits via pool hopping. This occurs when miners switch between Pay-per-Share and Proportional scheme mining pools to whichever payment protocol produces a higher rewards per additional share. In this scenario, honest and loyal pool miners will be cheated out of their profits by miners who pool hop and cause inconsistency in the pool’s hash rate.

 I.II Pool Cannibalization

In this attack, pool miners distribute a small percent of mining power equally among other pools, without ever submitting valid blocks. In doing so, we increase personal profits to the detriment of our mining pools. Pool Cannibalization is very difficult to detect, unless statistically significant. Since it is more profitable to be dishonest than honest, miners are incentivized to spend mining power cannibalizing each other rather than increasing the useful hashrate for finding the next valid block.

If we model the choice between attacking and not attacking the Bitcoin network using game theory, we see that the dominant strategy is for each miner to attack the network, leading to the ultimate detriment of Bitcoin.

  In this situation, the Nash Equilibrium, or the position from which no actor can change their position to improve their outcome, is also known as the Tragedy of the Commons,where each individual actor finds it individually beneficial to exploit the public good, leading to the ultimate deterioration of the public good.

II. The Double Spend Attack

The double spend attack occurs when an individual successfully spends the same value more than once. You can double spend via race attack: The Race Attack occurs when you trick someone into thinking the transaction is complete before the transaction even enters a block.

While you can show your victim a valid transaction, you can also send into the network a conflicting transaction that sends bitcoins from that same UTXO to an account you control, and incentivize miners to include this conflicting transaction instead of the first transaction by offering a higher transaction fee. In other words, you “race” with the conflicting transaction \to get included in the longest chain.

The Race Attack occurs when you trick someone into thinking the transaction is complete before the transaction even enters a block.

While you can show your victim a valid transaction, you can also send into the network a conflicting transaction that sends bitcoins from that same UTXO to an account you control, and incentivize miners to include this conflicting transaction instead of the first transaction by offering a higher transaction fee. In other words, you “race” with the conflicting transaction \to get included in the longest chain. To protect against this type of attack, the victim should wait for kconfirmations, kblocks built off of some particular block. In practice, kequals 6. If you still want to double spend, you must create a longer private chain with the same UTXO. If the victim waits kconfirmations, you must mine k+1blocks upon your private chain and then publish your private chain to the network, since no one else can see it when it is private, to complete the Double Spend Attack. Using the following graph, we can see that if you have over 50 percent of the hashing power, the probability that you will eventually get a longer chain than the honest chain is 100 percent, and you will thus successfully conduct a race attack.

 III. The 51 Percent Attack If you, the attacker, have any more than 50 percent of network hashrate, then you will always be able to double spend because you will always be able to create the longest chain, and since you would be in full control of which blocks are included within that chain. Since individuals on the network would just leave the network when they see a 51 percent attack, and subsequently devalue bitcoin, conducting such an attack is too risky.

IV. The Goldfinger Attack

The Goldfinger Attack allows attackers to still profit off of the destruction of Bitcoin. Attackers can “short,” or place a bet on the devaluation of bitcoin.

V. Censorship

In addition to attacking Bitcoin by leveraging hashpower, you can also attack the network via censorship. With censorship, we can choose to ignore the transactions from an individual or group of individuals, isolating them from the network and effectively rendering their bitcoins useless.

A mining pool with more than 51 percent of the network hashrate can decide not to work on a chain containing transactions spending from a particular address. Other miners will see that if they include a transaction with that address, their block will not be included in the chain, since the mining pool with the majority hashrate can fork and create a longer proof-of-work chain. Therefore, they will be incentivized to exclude the transactions with that address from their chain. This is called punitive forking. Even without 51 percent of the network hashrate, you can censor another address’ transactions using feather forking. In feather forking, the attacker announces they will attempt to fork if they see a block with a certain address’ transactions, but will give up after kconfirmations. Even though the attacker has a low chance of orphaning, or excluding, that block, miners will ignore blocks with the given address. This happens because miners are incentivized primarily by the profit they expect to earn from mining a particular block. Even if there is a small chance of the attacker forking a block with the given address, the math works out such that the expected profit of ignoring that transaction will exceed that of including it. Thus the victim has to pay a much higher transaction fee to incentivize miners to include their transaction.

VI. Selfish Mining

Upon being the first to find a valid block, you can withhold that block from the network and continue to work on it privately. If you find two blocks on your secret chain before the network finds the next one, then you suddenly have the longest chain. This means you get at least two block rewards and you have fooled the network into working on an honest chain that you will render useless. You can keep doing this and submit your longer, secret chain to the network right before you think the network is going to catch up to you. This is selfish mining.

VII. Defense  

We discussed several theorized defenses to selfish mining including Block Validation Using Time Signatures Opens in new window, proposed by Schultz (2015) and Solat and Potop-Butucaru (2016) Fork-punishment rule Opens in new window, proposed by Lear Bahack (2013) Uniform Tie-Breaking Rule Opens in new window, proposed Eyal and Sirer (2014) Publish or Perish Opens in new window, proposed by Zhang and Preneel (2017).

However, according to Vitalik Buterin, “in practice, most Bitcoin miners act altruistically to support the network, both out of ideological considerations and because they do not want to destabilize the source of their own revenue. Such higher-level economic concerns are beyond the scope of Eyal and Sirer’s paper, but they seriously reduce the chance that this economic attack will work in practice” (Bitcoin Magazine Opens in new window, 2013).

VIII. The Bitcoin Network In addition to individual attacks, the architecture of the Bitcoin network itself contains vulnerabilities. The Bitcoin protocol is P2P, in which messages get sent via a gossip protocol, where each node passes a message to its connected nodes. Though we would like an even topology, this is not the case. Nodes with higher hashrate, perhaps from running mining pools, may have miners connected to them directly on a lightweight protocol, or a secret subgraph. Due to this hidden graph topology, a user could potentially hide that it has more than 50% of the network hash power.

In addition to network topology, network latency also poses as an issue. Nodes that are better connected to the network see things faster and can send out messages and blocks to the network more quickly. This leads to disproportionate profits in miners.