Part 4

We’ve looked at Bitcoin mechanics from both a high and low level, explaining the primary motivations of why we do what we do in Bitcoin, and its implementation.

But what about the users?

What does the Bitcoin experience look like from their perspective?

If I want to get involved sending and receiving Bitcoin, mining, or running a full node, what does that look like?

The user experience varies greatly depending on your involvement with Bitcoin, but whether you’re a light user, full node, solo miner, or running a mining farm, you interface with the Bitcoin network in some way.

This module will touch upon the various user experiences in the Bitcoin ecosystem.

We’ll start off with a short discussion on the types of users in Bitcoin, then move

on to wallets as a way to manage your identity.

We’ll then formalize the Bitcoin mining procedure and explore real world mining endeavors.

Finally, we’ll explore the various ways through which users can change Bitcoin and its underlying protocol.

Intro: Types of Users