Motivations and Definitions: Integrity of Information


A simple way to do this is with some fingerprinting system.

How do fingerprints apply? Well, think of human fingerprints.

Each one is unique, difficult to forge, and close to impossible to predict.

When entering another country, they often ask for your fingerprint as that is a unique identifier of you.

If you are someone else, then your fingerprint changes.

The same applies in Bitcoin.

Except instead of humans and thumbs, we have meaningful information and random data.

If we can design a way to generate fingerprints of our meaningful data, then we can ensure the integrity of our information.

With this fingerprint system, if the information is changed, then so is the fingerprint.

Here’s the fascinating thing about fingerprints: when you really think about it, fingerprints are just standardized randomness.

You can’t guess what someone’s fingerprint will look like just by looking at them.

In the same way, you shouldn’t be able to guess the data that produced a digital fingerprint.

But how do we all agree on a way to generate fingerprints? We need standardized randomness.

Motivations and Definitions: Cryptographic Hash Functions