Key Stretching

However, for the security minded, to further lessen the probability of someone being able to guess your brain wallet, you can employ what’s known as key stretching.

There’s nowhere saying what hash function you have to use to get from your brain wallet to your private key, nor how many times you’re allowed to hash — that’s all up to you as the user.

The idea behind key stretching is to hash your brain wallet a large number of times: say 2^20 or some other huge number.

So I take my set of words “multiply, scrap, submit, etc” and I…

…Hash and hash and hash it….

Not only will an attacker have to guess your initial set of words, but they would also have to guess how many times you hashed your set of words.

Hacking a brain wallet that has been key stretched is exponentially harder to brute force than a brain wallet that is only hashed once.

Choosing a Wallet