GDP – detailed

GDP can be measured from the production side, that is, who produces the goods and services, and from the consumption side, that is, who consumes the goods and services.

Seen from the production side, Swedish business accounts for almost 79 percent of the value added in GDP. The remaining part comes mainly from the public sector.

Viewed from the consumption side, exports correspond to 45 percent of GDP, while investments make up 26 percent of GDP.

GDP divided by production, in 2021
Production area SEK billion
GDP 5457=
Value added, business 3808+
Value added, public sector 974+
Value added, household non-profit organizations 60+
Other net (product taxes, product subsidies) 616

GDP broken down by consumption, in 2021
Area of use SEK billion
GDP 5457=
Import 2246–
Export 2480+
Consumption 3813+
Investments 1411

Seen from the production side, GDP consists of the value of the goods and services produced in an economy. This value is usually called value added and is the sales value of the goods and services minus the value of the input goods. However, the total value added does not add up to GDP. This is because product taxes and product subsidies are added.